Part 69: The Eighth Millennium Problem
Part 69 - The Eighth Millennium Problem

OST: Delusion
Rimi wore a slightly impish expression as she took a peek at my face.

Hold up, what's with the "now"?
Did I think there was a possibility of us becoming a couple somewhere down the line?
Sure, Rimi was awfully friendly toward me, but when you get down to it, I'm a dirty otaku, you know...
There was no point in expecting something. Give it a rest. Don't think so highly of yourself, me.

How should I respond?
If I said I would introduce her to them, I felt like it'd be obvious I was getting ahead of myself.
If I said I wouldn't introduce her to them, it'd hurt Rimi's feelings....


Succumbing to surprise, I nodded. But Rimi seemed satisfied with this answer of mine.

All of a sudden, a familiar voice reached my ears.

OST: Girls

Why was Nanami here?
On top of that, she was excited and smiling, as if the dire voice I'd heard through the phone had come from a different person altogether.
Bewilderment made the inside of my head go white. Disregarding my discombobulation, Nanami came running over on light footsteps.

She exchanged a high five with Rimi.
Eh, why?
From her attitude, it almost seemed like she knew Rimi. I hadn't heard anything about these two knowing each other....

No, no way....

Nanami smiled without a trace of timidity. It went straight to my head. You little bitch....!

I fell heavily to my knees. The aggravation of having been taken in. She talked about it like she was making fun of me for being sincerely concerned about her.
I didn't like it. I really didn't like Nanami's way of doing things.

My relief over those things won out, and all the tension came flooding out of me.

Nanami really was an impudent little sister. Always mocking her big brother.
I was a bit sulky, but I had no choice except to stand up.

I began walking as they pulled me along by the hand. I had a hunch that things were going to be fun.
I felt like a peaceful, bright future awaited me--


A shrill sound pierced my ears.
It was almost akin to a female scream--
The scream is the same as that which accompanied Sena's attack on the
That sound broke through my reverie, forcing me to acknowledge that Nanami's entrance and her battle plan and whatnot had all been part of a convenient delusion.

Uncertain of what had happened, I turned my face toward the light.

Her Di-Sword's flashing was the source of the light. But it was strange.
When I saw it before, I was sure Sena's Di-Sword had given off a blue light.
The sound soon vanished into nothingness. The wind died down as well.
OST: Fear

A sharp voice. A cold gaze. There was patent enmity in Sena's eyes.

Why did Sena have it? Why was Sena here?
Breaking and entering. Those words floated up in my head. I realized she'd searched my room.
What for?

It was Kozu-pii's inner voice.

She crawled on all fours, sticking her head out in our direction. Her expression was terribly tense...

At almost the exact same time that Kozu-pii yelled, Sena jumped down,
She raised the sword raised over her head.

I raised my head in a flurry and looked at the place where I'd previously been standing.
OST: Mysterious

Dreadful, with its unreal sharpness and destructive power.
It had been an impact sufficient to shatter concrete, but the sword itself bore not a scratch.
Weren't Di-Swords supposed to be swords people couldn't see or even touch!?
A certain word flitted across the back of my brain.
Her sword had been real-booted...

If Rimi hadn't pulled at me. That beautiful sword would have sliced me cleanly through the head. Instant death.

Trembling bolted through my whole body. Just now, Sena had unmistakably tried to kill me--
My head was full of doubts and questions. Before this, she and Kozu-pii and I had eaten Crunchy-kuns together as a trio.
We definitely weren't close enough that you could call us friends, and even back then, she'd kept her intimidating attitude till the very end.
Even so, it shouldn't have been such a sour relationship as to make her attack me with her Di-Sword out of the blue--

Her movements were swift.
Despite the fact that she carried such a vast sword.
She sprang forward from the ground like a sprinter lunging out of a crouching start.
She swung her sword as though to make its tip cut a line in the ground. Closing the distance between us, she raised it on high.

She was serious. Sena truly--

I lay collapsed gracelessly on my back.
I'd lost my voice.
I couldn't escape.
All too unreasonable.
All too sudden.
To think I'd hit a Game Over like this.To think I'd get ambushed by Sena after desperately fleeing "Shogun."
No-- I don't want to die--
I don't wanna die!

A single human form leapt forward. Diving between me and Sena, standing in the way.
When I looked, Rimi's back was before me. She had both her arms spread out as though to block Sena's path as she charged at me.
She would risk harm to protect me....?

But then Rimi would die....! No, I couldn't take that....!

I remembered what Kozu-pii had said to me before.
Pale light overflowed from Rimi's outspread hands--


She crossed her hands over each other as though to bind the overflowing light together.

Glittering feathers of light
From somewhere
Danced about her.
That which materialized in her hands--

She caught and stopped Sena's colossal, furiously lowered sword with ease.

So much so that one might mistake it for an angel's wings--

OST: Silence
The sword shaped like a pair of wings, which had stopped the attack from Sena's Di-Sword without any difficulty, was clearly a Di-Sword itself.
If she weren't accustomed to handling it, she wouldn't have been able to catch Sena's blow with such excellent timing.

Kozue gazed at Sena and the others from atop the container housing, as if she were sightseeing from the sidelines. She sat on the edge, kicking her hanging legs a little in the air.
Quite a carefree attitude for having interfered with her surprise attack a few seconds ago, Sena thought, clicking her tongue inwardly.
But her eyes didn't slide away from Rimi, right in front of her. Rimi, in contrast, had on a brooding expression.

Behind Rimi, the pathetically crumpled Nishijou Takumi let out a moan.

Hearing it, Sena gripped her Di-Sword harder.

There was no point in talking to her, Sena deemed. She took a stance to protect the distance between them.
Rimi, on the other hand, only stood there casually.

OST: Mysterious
Sena unhesitatingly
Lunged straight at Rimi.


She'd undone the real-booting.
Now Sena's Di-Sword was no more than a delusion.
Unable to touch anything. Unable to cut anything. Unable to kill anything.
But that was exactly what she'd aimed for. Rimi, who had braced herself to receive the attack, reacted too slowly.
In the meantime, Sena had already slipped past her side and taken another two strides, closing in on Takumi.

With this--!
Takumi's eyes turned toward her, brimming with the hue of terror, and it took little effort for her to finish real-booting.
When she prepared to gore through Takumi's heart with her sword that had once again become part of reality--

Someone's shadow flittered across the corner of her sight. The instant she heard that voice, she became deeply shaken, missed her mark,

At the edge of the roof. The deepening sunset at his back. A lone man stood there like a ghost.

Bloodshot eyes in sunken sockets.
His head hung down, expressionless.
The second she spotted him, Sena stopped caring about what became of Takumi.
The man she had constantly been chasing. The object of her hatred.
The man who had thrown her away and betrayed his family.
That man was before her eyes.

OST: Gradually panic
Stepping toward him, Sena grit her teeth to endure her surging hatred. She readied her Di-Sword again.
Another step forward.

When the blood rushed to her head, Sena no longer saw anything but the man's form.
She ran.
SFX: Sena thrusts her Di-Sword, embedding it into her target

It was Sena's dearest wish.
She had wandered Shibuya every day solely for the sake of killing this man. She had always dreamed of the day when she would kill him.

She tried to pull out her sword. She tried to move away from him.
OST: Pity

All the fine hairs on her body stood on end. If he did such a thing to her now, after so much time, it would only horrify her.
Sena had long since severed the family bond that had once existed between her and him.
Yet she was shocked at herself for how, for some reason, she couldn't push him away.


This sentence is spoken in both the Homeless Man's voice and Rimi's.

At that whisper. Sena understood.

By the time she realized her mistake, it was too late.
Losing her balance, she toppled from the edge of the roof together with the man--

OST: Fear
Abruptly dashing to the edge of the roof, Sena lost her balance all on her own and was at this very moment about to fall off.
Her body threatened to disappear over the edge.

Suicide. Sena had plotted to kill herself by jumping off.
I didn't know why. I wouldn't stand for knowing why.
She'd attacked me out of the blue. Now she was receiving heavenly punishment.
She'd been my enemy, too--

No matter how much time passed, I didn't hear the sound of her crashing below.
I tentatively opened my eyes to see what was happening.

Sena wasn't falling. She'd slumped down.
Rimi stood close beside her. She was gripping Sena's arm.
Had Rimi saved her?
OST: Pity

Sena flung away her Di-Sword and wept like a child.
What the hell was going on with this sequence of events....
To me, at least, it had only looked as though Sena were single-handedly trying to die.

What had Rimi done to her--
She was like another person compared to the usual cheery Rimi.
A tormented expression. A sorrowful murmur. Wavering eyes.
A Rimi I didn't know was there.


My back went ice-cold. Kozu-pii had the same airheaded anime-style voice as always. But she meant what she said.
OST: Silence

I couldn't think about anything. If someone told me everything happening now was a dream, I'd undoubtedly believe them.
Why had Sena suddenly attacked me in the first place? Had she been my enemy all along?

Sena, who had been sobbing, raised her face.
She didn't attempt to wipe her tears. She was still collapsed on the ground. She stared at me harshly.

I floundered. She battered me with raw emotion.
What're you claiming I've done?
I don't cause trouble for anyone. And I certainly didn't know a thing about Sena's family.
I'm very much a harmless human being.

She'd read my mind.

Destroy.... the world....? Another self-centered fantasy?
I glanced at Rimi, seeking her help. But she stood with her back facing us, looking vaguely out at the darkening sky.

Her figure. Her voice. Was it my imagination that they seemed horribly lonely?

When Rimi said it that way, it seemed almost as if she knew anything and everything.


It sounded like they were talking about me. But I myself couldn't keep up with their conversation.

Kozu-pii descended from the container housing, holding my essay.

It was the origin of the chaos now besieging Shibuya?
Talk about a false accusation.
Of course a doodle like that couldn't possess such power. I had truly been in a light-hearted frame of mind when I drew this doodle.... I must have been.
Because it had happened so long ago, I couldn't remember too well, but....
It bore no particular meaning. I'd only copied the numbers that appeared in a dream of mine.
A dream related to the "Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?" essay written on the front.
I'd used those words since the distant past, and at some point, they attained more and more of a shape in my dreams.
There in lay the numbers.

Sena had wiped her eyes at last, leaving them bright red.
Even so, she remained crumbled, head lowered in apparent frustration as she wove her words.


This isn't an eroge....

Rimi pulled my hand, entreating me to come in the room.
A sense of desperation seeped out of her attitude. Rimi was afraid of something.

Whose words should I believe....

That was the technology from the patent I'd researched all over the place, the one Sena had told me about....

I, I didn't know.
You say that, but it's got nothing to do with me....
Even assuming Sena spoke the truth, I hadn't deliberately planned on creating something so inconceivable. It was just a little kid's doodling.
I haven't done anything wrong....

Kozu-pii's perky voice. I couldn't regard it as innocently as she did. Nor did Rimi offer any reply.
Except, Sena alone
Widened her eyes.
Raised her face with a start.

Why was she unsteady on her feet? Maybe because of whatever Rimi had done to her earlier.

Sena pressed in on the puzzled Kozu-pii.

Rimi, Kozu-pii, and I. None of us had any idea what she was talking about. All we could do was dazedly watch Sena and her bloodcurdling demeanor.